Sunday, June 7, 2009

Long ride of the weekend, north and west of Concord

I met Bobby, who was outside of Concord by the time I called him, in Bedford. We traveled through Great Brook Farm Park and then on to South Chelmsford. We traveled the newly created bike trail, which had several other users but appeared to be unfinished (signs and lines were missing). The stretch on 27 and 2A/119 could be missed but weren't too busy. Not the fastest ride but I was tired by the end.

The whole ride is a minor variation of a basic NW ride and was cut short due to time constraints. I will try to do the complete ride on Tuesday (when I will be taking a vacation day from work).

The ride.

Bike: IF Club Racer 2007


  1. Wow! I didn't realize it the ride was 45 miles!

  2. It was a tad shorter for you, although you rode past Bedford on the way to Concord before I called. Also, I have most rides start and end at the Mass Ave/Pleasant St intersection in Arlington, which adds a bit of mileage. But it was a nice long ride.
